вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

план конспект уроку з англійської мови в 6 класі за темою "Hobby" з елементами проектної роботи

Вчитель Гора Євгенія Миколаївна
ТЕМА:   МОЄ ХОБІ         
МЕТА: Повторити ЛО темиHOBBY
            Формувати навички непідготовленого мовлення
            Розвивати навички мовлення (монологічного та діалогічного), навички читання з метою детальної інформації, навички аудіювання, та письма.
            Навчати знаходити вірну інформацію щодо прочитаного тексту,  відповідати в контексті поданої теми, складати невеличкі діалоги, складати невеличкі доповіді за темою.
            Розширювати світогляд учнів за поданою темою.
            Розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів до вивчення англійської мови та пізнавальні навички
            Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань і відповідальне ставлення до свого вільного часу.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: картки  для введення в іншомовну атмосферу, картки для створення дерева з хобі, картки для аудіювання(впр.2.2 ст.178), картки для читання ( впр.1.1 ст.184), картки для ситуацій ( впр. 4 ст.187), картки для монологічного мовлення (опора), тематичні картки, презентація.
                                   ХІД УРОКУ
І.   Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.        Оргмомент.
2.      Привітання.
-          Good morning dear children.
-          Good morning dear teacher.
-          Im glad to see you. Sit down please.
3.      Повідомлення мети і теми уроку.
Today we are going to talk about your free time. You are going to have a lot of work and I hope interesting for you.
Додаток 1
By the way, tell me please how can we name leisure time, free time, past time( слова на дошці) with only one word.  (HOBBY) ( на дошці)That is right.
You are going to speak about your HOBBY and after school activities.
4.      Введення в іншомовну атмосферу мовлення.
1)      Look at the monitor and lets read the words. (сл. № 1)
Do you agree with these words?
But first of all let’s remember the names of your hobbies.
2)      Фонетична розминка. Читання віршика (сл..№2)

ІІ.   Основна частина уроку
1.      Активізація ЛО теми
1)      Лексична розминка  ( сл.№ 3)
Well, lets name hobbies we know. Name as many hobbies as you know: gardening, cinema, theatre, music, taking pictures (photographing), travelling, sightseeing, shopping, playing computer games.

2)      Постановка проблемного питання
What activities we can make with hobbies?
P 1 - We can make things
P 2 - We can do things
P3 - We can learn things
P 4 - We can collect things
(Вчитель вивішує на дошку activities)
And now let me divide you into groups. Your task is to go to the board and to stick the activities according to the group one by one. ( Учні по черзі із кожної групи виходить та приклеює заняття ) Додаток 2
G1 making things
G2 doing things
G3 learning things
G4 collecting things
Cheking the work ( сл.. №4-7)
1)      Розвиток мовної здогадки учнів
Now, as you know, different people like doing different things. Listen to some short stories and say what hobby it is.
*      Some people like to dance. Sometimes they go to special clubs and dance at home. They like to go to discos. (Dancing)
*      They can play football or hockey, swim or run very well. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. (Sports)
*      People like to sing songs. Sometimes they go to the music school. They like to listen to songs and sing them. (Singing)
*      People like to collect something, for example: coins, stamps, badges, dry leaves, etc. It’s easy and interesting. They can have a thematic collection. (Collecting)
*      I know some people who like to watch different kinds of programmes or films on TV. (Watching TV)

2.      Аудіювання
1)      Етап підготовки до аудіювання. Репліки закінчення фраз.
When school is over children prefer doing things what they like. But they talk about their pastimes differently. Tell me what do you do after school and why? Use the phrases on the blackboard.
Додаток 3

I’m fond of…                                    I’m keen on …
I get pleasure from …                       I’m crazy about …
It’s relaxing. ( I relax)
It’s enjoyable. ( I enjoy it)
It’s a change from …(it different from)
It’s amusing. ( funny and entertaining)
I get a lot of it ( because it’s useful)

2)      Етап аудіювання. ( додаток №4)
 Закінчити фрази із словами ( Робота із картками)
You get the cards  where you should  fill in the missing words above the phrases.
Interesting ,interested, exiting, exited, relaxing, relaxed, thrilling, thrilled, interesting, interested, surprised, amusing, amused, bored, enjoyed.

Tom: I’m …  about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.
John: I’m …  in motor sport. It’s .. to watch races, especially Formula 1
Sue: I’m … why some people are … with photography. I find it very …
Dan: I’m … when I play the guitar.
Linda: I’m … by cartoons. It’s really … to draw and write my own cartoons
Frank: I took up climbing three month ago and now I’m really … . 

3)      Перевірка розуміння прослуханого.
What are the fillings about these hobbies?
·         about horse,
·         motor sport,
·         watch races,
·         photography,
·         cartoons,
·          draw and write cartoons,
·          when play the guitar,
·         climbing.

3.      ФІЗКУЛЬТХВИЛИНКА ( сл..№8-16)

4.      Розвиток навичок читання з елементами аудіювання. ( додаток № 5-а текст, додаток 5-б аудіозапис)
1)      Читання .  Учні читають із аудіо підтримкою текст.
For me, there's nothing more important than dancing. I take lessons in Irish dancing. You might think that is boring, but it's really good fun and enjoyable. I have a chance to travel to places like Canada and the States to compete. The only thing that matters for me now is to win in the World Championships of Irish dancing in Ireland. I'm going there this month. I'm excited about my hobby. I think it's a brilliant hobby and people should try it before they say it's boring.
When I come home from school I do nothing but relax because I'm very tired after a tough day at school. I like to sit in front of the telly with a bag of popcorn. I'm a bit of a couch potato.* My favourite channel is MTV.* My mum doesn't like how I spend time. She says that I waste it. I do not agree. Isn't it fair just to relax? We all work very hard, especially when we have tests. More than that I get a lot out of TV. There is nothing I don't know about my favourite group. And it's also fun to be a fan!

There's one thing that is worth (следует) doing after school — it's playing sport. It's not only enjoyable, but useful, too. Sport makes you healthy and fit. I'm mad about climbing and every spare minute I spend in the local climbing centre.* The great thing about climbing is that you can become good quickly. I took up climb­ing about 6 months ago and I was thrilled with it. It's different from other sports. It's challenging and it makes me feel really strong. I also like the feeling of helping others. I've made lots of friends here and really enjoy it.
2)      Перевірка прочитаного
*      Why are these hobbies important for children? Agree or disagree with the following statements.

*      Anna participates in Irish dancing because she want to compete.
The only thing that matters for Anna is to have a chance to travel

*      For Tom watching TV is waste of time .
Tom thinks that he was the right to relax after school

*      Ben thinks that the best way to spend free time is going climbing
The great thing about climbing is that it makes Ben feel strong

5.      Мовлення. ( Додаток № 6)
1)      Ситуативне мовлення. Картка. Вчитель розділяє групу на пари і роздає картки із ситуаціями діти повинні скласти невеличкі діалоги.

Situation 1

 It’ a sunny afternoon in summer .
You want to go out for a drive somewhere. Suggest a place to go.

Situation 4

You’ve played cards and you are bored. Suggest going into town.

Situation 2

You all get in the car – but it won’t start. Suggest a sport instead.

Situation 5

You look in the newspaper – the film started an hour ago. Suggest visiting someone

Situation 3

You go out of a house and it started  raining. Suggest go back in the house and suggest an indoor activity

Situation 6

It’s stopped raining – the sun is coming out!  Suggest doing something

Take your cards. Read the situation and make a dialogue according to the situation.

2)      Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Презентація проектів. Розповідь про своє хобі та хобі якими займаються  члени родини.
 Now its time to check up what you have prepared to tell us about your hobbies.
Учні виходять із малюнками або із тими речами, якими вони займаються у вільний час.
3)      Заповнення листка « Identity Card» для портфоліо.
6.      Розвиток навичок письма.  ( Додаток № 7)
Робота в парах.
Look at your desks there are papers for your portfolio. Your task is to work in pairs and fill the chart about your desk mate. Then you should to write a little paragraph about your desk mate  
7.      Проектна робота. Робота в групах.  ( Додаток № 8)
1)      Учні отримують картинки з заняттями . Bони повинні прикріпити хобі на дерево і пояснити чому воно їм подобається  і чому ні.        
You receive the pictures with the activities put your favourite activity on the tree and activity that you dont like under the tree and  explain why?
ІІІ.    Заключна частина уроку
1.      Підсумки уроку.
Tell me please what can we learn when we have a hobby?(сл..19)
In my opinion when we have a hobby we can learn about … .
2.      Подання домашнього завдання .
Додаток  №9 . Заповнити лист самоаналізу для портфоліо.
3.      Оцінювання
4.      Кінець уроку.( сл.. № 15)
Thank you for your work. See you on the next lesson.

презентація до уроку " Hobby"


Додаток № 5 а READING
For me, there's nothing more important than dancing. I take lessons in Irish dancing. You might think that is boring, but it's really good fun and enjoyable. I have a chance to travel to places like Canada and the States to compete. The only thing that matters for me now is to win in the World Championships of Irish dancing in Ireland. I'm going there this month. I'm excited about my hobby. I think it's a brilliant hobby and people should try it before they say it's boring.
When I come home from school I do nothing but relax because I'm very tired after a tough day at school. I like to sit in front of the telly with a bag of popcorn. I'm a bit of a couch potato.* My favourite channel is MTV.* My mum doesn't like how I spend time. She says that I waste it. I do not agree. Isn't it fair just to relax? We all work very hard, especially when we have tests. More than that I get a lot out of TV. There is nothing I don't know about my favourite group. And it's also fun to be a fan!
There's one thing that is worth (следует) doing after school — it's playing sport. It's not only enjoyable, but useful, too. Sport makes you healthy and fit. I'm mad about climbing and every spare minute I spend in the local climbing centre.* The great thing about climbing is that you can become good quickly. I took up climb­ing about 6 months ago and I was thrilled with it. It's different from other sports. It's challenging and it makes me feel really strong. I also like the feeling of helping others. I've made lots of friends here and really enjoy it.

*      Why are these hobbies important for children? Agree or disagree with the following statements.
*      Anna participates in Irish dancing because she want to compete.
*      The only thing that matters for Anna is to have a chance to travel

*      For Tom watching TV is waste of time .
*      Tom thinks that he was the right to relax after school

*      Ben thinks that the best way to spend free time is going climbing
*      The great thing about climbing is that it makes Ben feel strong

Додаток № 6

Situation 1

 It’ a sunny afternoon in summer .
You want to go out for a drive somewhere. Suggest a place to go.

Situation 4

You’ve played cards and you are bored. Suggest going into town.

Situation 2

You all get in the car – but it won’t start. Suggest a sport instead.

Situation 5

You look in the newspaper – the film started an hour ago. Suggest visiting someone

Situation 3

You go out of a house and it started  raining. Suggest go back in the house and suggest an indoor activity

Situation 6

It’s stopped raining – the sun is coming out!  Suggest doing something

Додаток №9
Description of achievement
Level reached
·         I can read and understand
  -free time surveys
  -newspaper articles about free time activities
  -children's opinions about their leisure activities
  -notices about activities for children
·         1 can understand
  -children's opinions about their free time activities
  -children's plans for the weekend
·         1 can
  -explain what 1 like doing and why in my free time
  -describe my hobbies
  -describe my plans for the summer
  -suggest doing something
  -accept or refuse a suggestion
·         1 can write
  -about my hobbies and free time activities
  -about my plans for the summer

Study skills
Level reached
·         1 can interpret the results of a survey

Grammar checklist
Can understand
Can use
·         -ed and -ing adjectives
·         Past Perfect Tense

The exercise(s) I found most interesting/enjoyable/difficult/boring.

·         _____________________________________________________________________________
·         _____________________________________________________________________________
·         _____________________________________________________________________________
·         _____________________________________________________________________________
·         _____________________________________________________________________________

Додаток № 4

Interesting ,interested, exiting, exited, relaxing, relaxed, thrilling, thrilled, interesting, interested, surprised, amusing, amused, bored, enjoyed.

Tom: I’m (1)  about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.
John: I’m (2)  in motor sport. It’s(3) .. to watch races, especially Formula 1
Sue: I’m (4)… why some people are (5)… with photography. I find it very (6)
Dan: I’m (7)…when I play the guitar.
Linda: I’m (8)… by cartoons. It’s really (9) … to draw and write my own cartoons
Frank: I took up climbing three month ago and now I’m really (10) … . 


Interesting ,interested, exiting, exited, relaxing, relaxed, thrilling, thrilled, interesting, interested, surprised, amusing, amused, bored, enjoyed.

Tom: I’m (1)  about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.
John: I’m (2)  in motor sport. It’s(3) .. to watch races, especially Formula 1
Sue: I’m (4)… why some people are (5)… with photography. I find it very (6)
Dan: I’m (7)…when I play the guitar.
Linda: I’m (8)… by cartoons. It’s really (9) … to draw and write my own cartoons
Frank: I took up climbing three month ago and now I’m really (10) … . 


Interesting ,interested, exiting, exited, relaxing, relaxed, thrilling, thrilled, interesting, interested, surprised, amusing, amused, bored, enjoyed.

Tom: I’m (1)  about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.
John: I’m (2)  in motor sport. It’s(3) .. to watch races, especially Formula 1
Sue: I’m (4)… why some people are (5)… with photography. I find it very (6)
Dan: I’m (7)…when I play the guitar.
Linda: I’m (8)… by cartoons. It’s really (9) … to draw and write my own cartoons
Frank: I took up climbing three month ago and now I’m really (10) … . 


Interesting ,interested, exiting, exited, relaxing, relaxed, thrilling, thrilled, interesting, interested, surprised, amusing, amused, bored, enjoyed.

Tom: I’m (1)  about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.
John: I’m (2)  in motor sport. It’s(3) .. to watch races, especially Formula 1
Sue: I’m (4)… why some people are (5)… with photography. I find it very (6)
Dan: I’m (7)…when I play the guitar.
Linda: I’m (8)… by cartoons. It’s really (9) … to draw and write my own cartoons
Frank: I took up climbing three month ago and now I’m really (10) … . 

Додаток №7
                          Free-Time Activities  
Name: ........................... Date: ........................... Class: ...........................
Ask your partner to complete the questionnaire.

Name: .................................................... Age: ....................................................
Work / School: ....................................................



I HATE ...
1 Meeting friends

2 Talking on the phone.

3 Surfing the Net.

4 Playing sports

5 Doing arts and crafts

6 Reading books.

7 Listening to music.

8 Going shopping.

9 Eating out.

10 Going to the cinema.

Now use the completed questionnaire to write a short paragraph about your partner’s likes/dislikes.

..................................... really likes .................................................. in

.............................. free time.

.............................. doesn’t mind........................................................................................

........... buthates .............................................................................. .

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