понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

відкритий урок в 4 класі за темою " My Hobby"

Відкритий урок з англійської мови
Клас: 4 А
Тема: Хобі
Вчитель англійської мови КЗ «Нікопольська гімназія №7», м. Нікополя
Повторити та закріпити лексику теми  «Хобі»
Розвивати  навички мовлення,
Формувати комунікативну культуру спілкування, культуру усних виступів
Вдосконалювати навички аудіювання та читання

Розвиток навичок вмінь підготовки зв’язного мовлення за темою, самостійності, уміння працювати в парах та групі

Виховувати вміння уважно слухати  і чути, поважати думку інших, підтримувати однокласників
Прививати бажання учнів до навчання та покращення своїх вмінь та не витрачати свій час.

Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, картки для роботи в групах HO 1картки для роботи в парах HO 2, картки для читання HO 3, ноутбук, презентація до уроку.

Хід уроку


1.      Оргмомент.
2.      Привітання.
3.     Введення в атмосферу іншомовного мовлення. Бесіда. Слайд 1-15
 -Please, look at the screen. There are some pictures on it. Look at them attentively and  what can you say about them?
 And now try to guess «What about we will speak at the lesson? »           
Pupils: we’ll speak about hobbies.

4.      Фонетична зарядка. Вірш на дошці
Lets read a poem according to our topic 
Mary dances, Nick plays hockey,
James likes reading, Ann likes to eat,
Ron likes singing, Kate likes listening,
Sam likes feeding his parrot Pete
John is fond of drawing comics
When the lessons all are done.
Everybody has a hobby.
Have you got your own one?

Answer the question.
5.     Активізація лексики . Мозковий штурм. Гра. Учні 2 рази плескають в долоні та називають хобі. Хто швидко не назвав хобі підводиться і на при кінці гри учні задають запитання їм.
1.      Робота в групах. HO 1
Teacher: you see any hobby can be useful. Now you will work in groups. Choose one the most interesting and useful hobby. You'll decide and discuss it all together, but only one pupil will prove it to me and other groups.

Учащиеся работают в группах по 3 - 4 человека. Каждой группе раздаются карточки (по одной карточке на каждую группу).

Карточка 1: gardening, singing, sport, drawing pictures.

Карточка 2: swimming, going to the cinema, watching TV, listening to music.

Карточка 3: dancing, reading, playing football.

Від кожної групи виступає 1 учень, інші можуть допомогти.
Collecting stamps is useful because you will learn a lot of new things and our life becomes more interesting. It can teach us to develop our mind. The collectors often meet interesting people and make new friend. We think it's one of the most interesting and useful hobbies.

2.      Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.
2.1Гра « мікрофон». «Журналісти » проводять опитування про хобі з різними видами запитань.
Are you fond of ….?
Are you keen on …?
Are you interested in…?
What do you like?

2.2  Mingling. HO 2  Find someone who:
While you are looking for your pair you should ask questions: what do you do? How often do you do your favourite activity?
You play golf on Sundays. Find someone who plays football on weekdays.
You watch TV every evening. Find someone who listens to music every evening.
You listen to music. Find someone who watches TV every evening.
You dance at weekend. Find someone who sings on Sundays.
You sing on Sundays. Find someone who dances at weekend.
You read in bed every night. Find someone who collects badges.
You collect badges. Find some someone who reads in bed.
You go for a walk with a dog every morning. Find someone who draws on Saturdays.
You practice the violin twice a day. Find someone who playing the piano twice a day.
You play the piano twice a day. Find someone who practice the violin twice a day.
You play football on weekends. Find someone who plays golf on Sundays.
You draw on Saturdays. Find someone who walk with a dog every morning.

Учні повинні знайти свою пару за карткою, запитуючи відповідні запитання. В кінці завдання учні повідомляють про свою пару.
You should to throw balls to each other after the word START but after the word STOP you finish throwing and pupils come to me who catch them. So START …

 Діти починають кидати один одному кульки із паперу після слова «старт», але після слова «стоп» вони зупиняються, розвертають кульки і будують речення із слів які записані на папері.


4.      Читання. Робота з картками HO 3
Now you will have some reading task about hobbies. Your task is to guess what hobby is it and write down it into your copybooks.

1)Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries.
-Pupil 1: Travelling   

2)People like to spend their free time near the rivers or lakes . They often go there with their friends or relatives . They can have a picnic there. They go usually there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too . Also they can boil fish broth ( soup ) after going there.
-Pupil 2:Fishing           

3)It is a very beautiful and good kind of hobby. You can visit dancing club after lessons or dance at home. If you can dance well, you can show it at the disco, at the parties with your friends!
-Pupil 5: dancing                                 

- You did a good job. Thank you very much.

5.      Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
5.1 бесіда. Підготовка до аудіювання. Look at the blackboard. There are many kinds of hobbies. What are they? Doing sport, collecting, gardening, cooking, reading, travelling.
You task will be to guess what hobby  I will read you  about, and put the letters of the pictures in the correct order.
5.2  аудіювання тексту

1. This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. People like to go the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and cheerful. Their hobby helps them to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time. (Sport.)
2. This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures, dolls, etc. Their collections can be thematic. This hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events. (Collecting.)
3. People like work in the garden and to spend some time in the fresh air. They are fond of flowers, bushes, trees and different kinds of plants. They like nature and admire the beauty of nature. Their hobby is the best way to relax. (Gardening.)
4. People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for their friends. They can present the food nicely and lay the table beautifully. They use spices (vinegar, oil, pepper, etc.) They can boil or fry meat, fish, and chicken and make souses and deserts. (Cooking.)
5. People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand other people better. (Reading.)
6. Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries. (Travelling)

5.3  виконання завдання
5.4  перевірка виконання завдання. Самоперевірка.

6.      Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Your home task was to write about your favourite hobby. Let’s check up what you have written.
Учні розповідають про свої вподобання щодо дозвілля із своїми  проектами.
1.      Семантизація вивченого.
What did we speak  about at the lesson? We spoke about our hobbies.
What hobbies are useful?
What hobbies are boring?

2.      Подання домашнього завдання.
2.1  П Впр 1,3 ст 106-107 пропис., вчити

3.      Оцінювання

Перегляд відео.

I want you to watch a short video. And after it you will do a shot test.
1.The boy is …
A)  at the river
B)  in the forest

2. The boy is with his …
A)  mummy
B)  daddy

3. He called the fish …
A)  Sky
B)  Free

4. He wanted to …  the fish.
A)  touch
B)  kiss

5. The boy is …
A)  watching the birds
B)  fishing

6. This is the … boy’s fish.
A)  first
B)  second

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